[Netrunner] GNK February 23rd

Daniel Takai daniel.takai at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 17:35:45 CET 2020

Lieber Luke

Mich hat die Grippe erwischt, ich kann morgen nicht kommen. Tut mir leid,
ich hatte zwei coole Decks gebaut, sehr schade.


On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM Lucas Schmid <lucas.schmid at mailbox.org>

> Dear Netrunners!
> February GNK has been confirmed to take place on the 23rd at Wellplayed,
> Dübendorf.
> Please, please, sign-up on ABR so that we can plan the space accordingly!
> https://alwaysberunning.net/tournaments/2641/february-gnk-at-wellplayed
> All the details are obviously on ABR, but tl:dr here:
> Fee: CHF15 or EUR15, includes two drinks at Wellplayed
> Registration: 11:00
> Tournament: 11:30
> Format: Standard, MWL3.4
> Single-sided Swiss with an odd amount of participants, no cut
> Maybe we'll play single-sided Swiss with an even amount of participants,
> too!
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> lukenukem at mailbox.org
> +41787907396
> If this is the first tournament you're going to attend please let me know
> in advance, too!
> Always be running
> Luke
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Daniel Takai
daniel.takai at gmail.com
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