[Netrunner] New play and tournament dates in Bern

Simone Sonderegger simone.sonderegger at gmx.ch
Tue Aug 14 10:12:05 CEST 2018

Dear Netrunner,

I announce gladly new play and tournament dates:


Casual meetup in Bern

Thursday, August 23th 2018

In preparation for the Nationals in Düsseldolf or just to play and enjoy (or both), we meet on thursday, August 23th in the DracheNäscht around 18:30 pm. This meetup is open for everybody. Come and join us! (registrations are not necessary, but announcements are welcome)


Tournaments in DracheNäscht

Saturday, Oktober 20th 2018
Saturday, November 17th 2018

Both will take place in DracheNäscht, Berne. The price pool will be the official FFG Game Night kits, namely GNK 2 and 3. (assuming the second will be produced and shipped as promised) and probably a little extra from the store.

Registrations are accepted through the following channels:

Always be running


The Format of the first in October will probably be standard. But for the second in November i ask your opinion / suggestion, especially from those who plan to participate. Because it is the last official tournament (and I sincerely hope not the last taking place at all), I want to make it count. I was thinking for example about a Random ID event. Thoughts? Don’t hesitate to contact me. Further information will follow.


I hope to see you soon! (in Bern, or Zurich, or even Dusseldorf ;-)
Don’t give up. Always be running!

Sincerely yours,

Simone aka 1gmu

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