[Netrunner] Players in Valais

Jérôme Addor jerome.addor at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 21:03:52 CET 2015

Hello Samuel,

If you want, here in Lausanne we are 4 to 5 (9 to 10 if you count the more
occasionnaly one) to play. We play 1 time the week, mostly thusday or
friday evening. But some week nobody play.
If you plan to play here, just contact me. I will tell you if there is
already a day fixed, and if not, I will send a message in our local WhatApp
group, to organize a evening.

Perhaps see you soon

Jérôme Addor

PS We all speek french, most english and some (one or perhaps more) german.

2015-02-04 13:55 GMT+01:00 Samuel Schöpfer <samuel.schoepfer at outlook.com>:

> Hello everyone,
> New player here, living in Valais. I'm actually looking for players
> between Brig and Lausanne. If interested, it is possible to play on
> thursday in Casino de Saxon. I attend sometimes so contact me if you want
> to fix a rendez-vous.
> Best regards.
> Samuel
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