[Netrunner] Looking for group: Regular meetings in Berne

Jérôme Razen triiad at netrunner.ch
Wed Feb 4 17:56:44 CET 2015


Once you know when and where you'll have your sessions in Bern, let me
know and I'll put the info up on the website. :)

Same thing for Valais, I saw Samuel's email today. Are Thursdays
pretty much a sure thing and should I put it up?


On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 9:43 AM, christian studer <cstuder at existenz.ch> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> At the Store Championship Tournament in january in Berne everybody lamented
> the lack of regular playing sessions in Berne. Due to my increasing number
> of family members I cannot personally take the lead on that project. :-/
> Proposal: Playing sessions every two weeks on a fixed evening. According to
> some Magic players, the Brasserie Lorraine* is quite tolerant on card games,
> serves decent food and could serve as a location (Closed/blocked on mondays)
> . Later this year, the Drachenäscht might be expanding and provide space.
> Who's up to organize this? Shouldn't be too much work, just be there and
> play, occasionally remind us about it on the mailingslist and keep in touch
> with netrunner.ch.
> Thank you,
>   christian
> * = http://brasserie-lorraine.ch/
> --
> http://hymnos.existenz.ch
> (In Wirklichkeit gar nicht anwesend.)
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