[Netrunner] Call for regional players in Berne (13. july 2014)

Javier Rodriguez jrrbuil at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 22:06:09 CEST 2014

I just moved to Luzern and there´s a good chance I´ll be going to the
regional, though I´ll pronably have to make a call on Friday depending on
how much IKEA pieces are still waiting around the place.

I´ll be going by train and I don´t know the venue. Is there a contact
number I could call in case I get lost/late?

Thanks and hopefully see you all on Sunday!

2014-07-09 10:31 GMT+02:00 Guido Gloor <haslo.ch at gmail.com>:

> Hi all :)
> I just got a mail from the Drachenäscht, and there's already 19 registered
> players :) We're outdoing the MtG folks; they have only 5 registrations!
> Yay! Looking forward to meeting you all this Sunday (even though I haven't
> played for weeks, too busy playing X-Wing...)
> Cheers,
> Guido
> 2014-06-06 12:06 GMT+02:00 Alain Bruegger <alain.bruegger at gmail.com>:
> Hallo Christian
>> Vielen Dank fuer das Aufgleisen! Ich glaube ich habe mich bereits
>> angemeldet, werde aber nochmals sichergehen und nachfragen. Diesmal kann
>> ich den Termin auch garantiert einhalten :-)
>> @Matthias: Ich waere sonst noch auf der Suche nach einem Trainingspartner
>> in Bern oder Umgebung. Ich selber wohne in der Stadt Bern.
>> Liebe Gruesse
>> Alain
>> On 6 June 2014 00:01, Matthias Kälin <matthias.kaelin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hallo Christian
>>> Ich bin zwar eher noch Anfänger, habe mich aber gestern eingetragen und
>>> bin gespannt, wie sich das wettkampfmässig so spielt.
>>> Weisst du, ob es in der Region Bern (ich komme von Jegenstorf) auch
>>> Treffs oder Spielabend mit Netrunner gibt?
>>> Beste Grüsse
>>> Matthias
>>> 2014-06-05 15:29 GMT+02:00 christian studer <cstuder at existenz.ch>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> A little call to action:
>>>> So far only 4 players have signed up for the regional in Berne on
>>>> sunday, 13. july 2014. It would be nice if more people would participate.
>>>> Not only nice, but actually important: Fantasy Flight Games is asking
>>>> quite a lot of money from organizers to hold these tournaments and
>>>> Drachenäscht isn't willing to pay too much if only such a little number of
>>>> people show up. :-(
>>>>   http://fatamorgana.ch/veranstaltungen/default.asp
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>   christian
>>>> --
>>>> http://hymnos.existenz.ch
>>>> (In Wirklichkeit gar nicht anwesend.)
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