[Netrunner] Chronos Protocol Tour (international)

Javier Rodriguez jrrbuil at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 14:39:22 CEST 2013

I'm still here, thanks for the translation :)

I don't have a car here, so I fully agree with the central and easily
accessible approach. On the other hand, I guess that will mostly depend on
how many people are interested. So far in Geneva I've only managed to meet
a casual player, and although he mentioned there's a quite broad player
base (15+) they usually don't go to the stores to play, so finding them is
a challenge.

In my case, some weekends I'm in Luzern, so if something is organized in
between the Bern/Zurich area in one of those weekends, I would definitively
be there!


On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Guido Gloor <haslo at haslo.ch> wrote:

> Uh oh, really sorry, I didn't mean to exclude anybody! Didn't realize that
> we have English speakers in here :)
> It's really just idle speculation at this point, I told the guys from the
> DracheNäscht in Bern that the Chronos Protocol Tour is a thing and they're
> thinking about what they can do about hosting an even - which basically can
> mean anything :P
> And then I also suggested a fun tournament event thingy in Bern, and
> Christian suggested somewhere between Bern and Zürich instead. Personally,
> I'm still in the process of acquiring my driving license (I'm nearly twice
> as old as necessary for the license, so I guess it's about time), so I'd
> rather have somewhere not only central but also easily accessible by public
> transport :P I hope there's more interest in a tournament thingy than just
> the two of us, let's see who else replies :)
> I hope you haven't already unsubscribed,
> Cheers,
> Guido
> 2013/9/17 Javier Rodriguez <jrrbuil at gmail.com>
>> No idea what you guys are saying, but it sounds like it's about the
>> Chronos league in switzerland? If so, I'd love to see it happen, hopefully
>> somewhere centric that is accessible for most players.
>> On the other hand, if German is a must for this group, I guess I'll just
>> unsubscribe :(
>> 2013/9/17 Christian + Severine Schmid <seppel at sunrise.ch>
>>> **
>>> hi,
>>> danke für die mail :)
>>> spass turnierchen tönt super,allerdings ist bern einfach sehr weit vom
>>> zürcher oberland :(
>>> treffpunkt für mich wenn möglich irgendwo in der mitte,oder nähe zürich.
>>> gruesse,christian
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Guido Gloor <haslo.ch at gmail.com>
>>> *To:* netrunner at existenz.ch
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:15 AM
>>> *Subject:* [Netrunner] Chronos Protocol Tour (international)
>>> Heidiho allerseits
>>> Ihr habt sicher schon von der Chronos Protocol Tour<http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4332>gehört? Das ist die internationale Version der nur-US Plugged-In
>>> Tour <http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_npm.asp?eidm=209&epmi=s>,
>>> FFG hat da auf die lauthals geäusserten Wünsche der internationalen
>>> Community reagiert (oder sie planten das von Beginn weg und sahen sich
>>> durch die Proteste in ihrem Kurs bestätigt :P)...
>>> Jedenfalls habe ich das dem DracheNäscht mal geschickt und der Mättu
>>> guckt mal was sich machen lässt.
>>> Wie wärs sonst mal mit einem kleinen Spass-Turnierchen oder so, wer
>>> hätte da Interesse? Ich habe in Bern die Spielfalt<http://spielfalt-bern.ch/>entdeckt, das liesse sich sicher relativ günstig für einen Nachmittag oder
>>> Abend mieten.
>>> Liebe Grüsse,
>>> Guido
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