[Netrunner] Chronos Protocol Tour (international)

Guido Gloor haslo at haslo.ch
Tue Sep 17 14:30:07 CEST 2013

Uh oh, really sorry, I didn't mean to exclude anybody! Didn't realize that
we have English speakers in here :)

It's really just idle speculation at this point, I told the guys from the
DracheNäscht in Bern that the Chronos Protocol Tour is a thing and they're
thinking about what they can do about hosting an even - which basically can
mean anything :P

And then I also suggested a fun tournament event thingy in Bern, and
Christian suggested somewhere between Bern and Zürich instead. Personally,
I'm still in the process of acquiring my driving license (I'm nearly twice
as old as necessary for the license, so I guess it's about time), so I'd
rather have somewhere not only central but also easily accessible by public
transport :P I hope there's more interest in a tournament thingy than just
the two of us, let's see who else replies :)

I hope you haven't already unsubscribed,

2013/9/17 Javier Rodriguez <jrrbuil at gmail.com>

> No idea what you guys are saying, but it sounds like it's about the
> Chronos league in switzerland? If so, I'd love to see it happen, hopefully
> somewhere centric that is accessible for most players.
> On the other hand, if German is a must for this group, I guess I'll just
> unsubscribe :(
> 2013/9/17 Christian + Severine Schmid <seppel at sunrise.ch>
>> **
>> hi,
>> danke für die mail :)
>> spass turnierchen tönt super,allerdings ist bern einfach sehr weit vom
>> zürcher oberland :(
>> treffpunkt für mich wenn möglich irgendwo in der mitte,oder nähe zürich.
>> gruesse,christian
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Guido Gloor <haslo.ch at gmail.com>
>> *To:* netrunner at existenz.ch
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:15 AM
>> *Subject:* [Netrunner] Chronos Protocol Tour (international)
>> Heidiho allerseits
>> Ihr habt sicher schon von der Chronos Protocol Tour<http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4332>gehört? Das ist die internationale Version der nur-US Plugged-In
>> Tour <http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_npm.asp?eidm=209&epmi=s>,
>> FFG hat da auf die lauthals geäusserten Wünsche der internationalen
>> Community reagiert (oder sie planten das von Beginn weg und sahen sich
>> durch die Proteste in ihrem Kurs bestätigt :P)...
>> Jedenfalls habe ich das dem DracheNäscht mal geschickt und der Mättu
>> guckt mal was sich machen lässt.
>> Wie wärs sonst mal mit einem kleinen Spass-Turnierchen oder so, wer hätte
>> da Interesse? Ich habe in Bern die Spielfalt <http://spielfalt-bern.ch/>entdeckt, das liesse sich sicher relativ günstig für einen Nachmittag oder
>> Abend mieten.
>> Liebe Grüsse,
>> Guido
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